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How Debt Consolidation Can Fix Your Budget Problems
Martin Sumner
No matter where you live, if you have accumulated many debts and monthly payments are killing your budget, debt consolidation can fix your budget problems. Under a consolidation loan or credit card program, you bunch all your debts into one loan or credit balance, and then have just one monthly payment. This payment is usually less than the total monthly payments for the old bills were because this loan is spread out over a longer period of time. Hopefully, the interest on the new loan is less than or equal to the previous bills interest rates.
There are some credit card consolidation plans that offer zero percent interest on balance transfers or convenience check payments for a certain period of time, three to twelve months. The idea here is that you have some time to actually make a dent in the outstanding balances instead of all your money going into interest and very little onto principal of the debts. If you can pay off everything in that time period you would really be saving money, regardless of future interest rates on that new card or loan.
A couple things to watch for when using debt consolidation to fix your budget problems would be to be sure you do not go back to the paid off cards and run them up again, or get new cards and spend up on those. Another point to watch for is to be sure you make timely payments, to keep your credit status good. If you do not, you run the risk of getting stuck with a high default rate of interest on a very large balance on your new loan or card. There is absolutely no reason to not get a debt consolidation program to help iron out a bumpy budget problem. It is like dimming a light that is too bright so you are more comfortable.
Debt consolidation can fix your budget problems in the near future, but if you do not pay them off, and/or change your spending habits, you may end up in the same boat again. It happens to many people because with little spare money to save and lots of ads asking you to ‘buy, buy, buy’ the temptation to live on credit is large. Spending is a habit and so is saving. Once you fix your budget problems with debt consolidation, try to develop a regular saving habit instead. It takes longer to buy things, but there are no bills, and no interest. You will love the benefits!
Martin writes for ADM Online who offer
to people of all credit ratings, for
debt consolidation
or any other purpose.
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