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Submitted by: Merv Stevens
What are backlinks? Backlinks are links to a given website placed in various locations throughout the internet. Strategically placed backlinks help consumer locate the information or products they need. Because of this factor, backlinks are valuable and actually play quite the roll in the online commercial world. In today”s ever-evolving technologically driven business world, a company essentially doesn’t exist without a legitimate and stable online presence.
The modern consumer is incredibly dependent on the world-wide-web. Increasing online exposure can be incredibly profitable to businesses offering goods and services of all kinds. SEO, or search engine optimization, is an online marketing strategy used to increase a website’s odds of appearing on the initial page of a given Google search query. In case you are unaware, appearing on the first page is proven to be exponentially more profitable. So what are backlinks and how do they fit into all of this?
Using Backlinks for SEO
What are backlinks in the eyes of popular search engines? Google houses a closely calculated algorithm that is used to estimate the value of a website. When referring to a search query, this value is judged by its quality and relevance. The concept is rather simple. Google’s goal is obviously to provide internet surfers with the most appropriate search results. This is where the algorithm steps up to the plate.
When calculating the relevance and essential value of a website as compared to a given search query, Google takes a close look at a number of contributing factors. Among these factors is our new friend backlinks. Not only does Google analyze the quantity of backlinks a page has, but they also take the quality of backlinks into consideration.
Quality AND Quantity Matter
Backlinks hosted on high PR websites, like YouTube or highly populated article directories, are very high in the quality department. Google recognizes these websites, and various other highly trafficked web forums, as authority websites. Because of this, these specific backlinks are worth more than the average. Keep in mind that this is not to say that some backlinks are worthless. In general, the more backlinks a website has, the more traffic it receives and, therefore, it is increasingly relevant.
Using Tools to Generate Backlinks
Accumulating high quantity and quality backlinks can be tricky for a new website or blog. Often times, internet marketers use article marketing tools to create backlinks. This is essentially the process of off-page search engine optimization. These tools, can be used to post content with backlinks on thousands of websites.
While these tools can save you hours of times and headaches, it is important to use them appropriately. When promoting a young website or blog, it is important that you don’t slam Google immediately with thousands of backlinks. Doing so raises a red flag and decreases your page’s legitimacy in the eyes of Google. Because of this, it is important that you do what is called dripping. This essentially places your backlinking on a schedule that appears natural and not automated. Efficiently doing so will undoubtedly result in organic website traffic.
If you’re looking to turn a profit online, learning to create backlinks is a must. What are backlinks going to mean to your business?
About the Author: Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice and to find more answers to questions like
“What are backlinks?”
go to his website:
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