
Effective Methods on How to Stop Sweating Under Arms

Underarm sweating, while completely normal, can often cause discomfort and embarrassment. If you find yourself struggling with excessive armpit sweat, don’t fret. This article will guide you on how to stop sweating under arms and discuss in detail where to treat excessive sweating.

Understanding Underarm Sweating

A quick note before continuing: sweat is a necessary body function; it helps maintain our body temperature and fight off infections. However, excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, can cause significant disruption in daily activities and social interactions. This can take a toll on a person’s emotional well-being. Thus, learning how to manage and control your sweating is an important step towards living a comfortable and confident life.

Home Remedies

Sometimes, effective techniques to control underarm sweating require no more than some simple lifestyle changes and home remedies, such as:

  • Improving Personal Hygiene: Regular bathing, preferably with antibacterial soap, reduces the number of bacteria on your skin. Dry yourself thoroughly post-shower, as bacteria thrive in damp, warm conditions.
  • Using Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants are generally your first line of defense. These products work by temporarily blocking sweat pores, reducing the amount of perspiration that reaches your skin. For best results, apply it before bed and in the morning for maximum efficiency.
  • Clothing Choices: Natural fibers like cotton, silk, and wool are breathable materials that allow for good air circulation, helping to reduce sweating. In addition, opting for lighter colors can help to conceal sweat marks.

Where to Treat Excessive Sweating

If home remedies don’t provide enough relief, it may be time to seek professional help for your excessive sweating. There are several medical treatments available:

  • Prescription Antiperspirant: If over-the-counter products aren’t strong enough, your healthcare provider might suggest a prescription-strength antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride.
  • Botox (Botulinum toxin): Approved by the FDA for treating excessive underarm sweating, Botox injections temporarily block the nerves that stimulate sweating.
  • Iontophoresis: This treatment utilizes a device that uses electrical currents to temporarily turn off the sweat glands. It’s most commonly used for treating excessive sweating of hands and feet, but can be used for underarm sweat as well.
  • Surgical Intervention: For severe cases, surgical procedures such as sweat gland removal or nerve surgery might be considered.

Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist when considering these treatment methods. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate information and recommend the best treatment for your situation.


Excessive underarm sweating can be a daunting problem, but with the right combination of home remedies and treatments, it can be effectively managed. Keep in mind that what works best will completely depend on your individual situation and response to treatment. Everyone’s body is different, and hence, requires different care. Seeking help from a healthcare professional plays a key role in working out the perfect solution for you.

In conclusion, excessive underarm sweat isn’t something you are forced to live with. You have options available at your hands. Be patient, don’t lose hope, and keep trying until you find the solution that best fits your lifestyle and needs.

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